Weight loss should be a cause for concern when it occurs involuntarily, without the person realizing that they are losing weight. It may be normal to lose weight after going through a stressful situation like changing jobs, going through a divorce, or losing a loved one. However, if weight loss is not related to any of these factors, and is not associated with changes in diet or increased physical activity, you should see a doctor to assess the cause of the problem, because It could be due to the presence of a disease, such as thyroid problems, diabetes, or cancer.
possible causes
When weight loss occurs involuntarily, it could be due to various situations such as: the presence of ulcers or an inflammatory bowel disease; neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease; thyroid problems like hyperthyroidism; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease such as emphysema; infectious diseases like tuberculosis and AIDS; psychological problems or disorders such as depression, anorexia or bulimia, for example.
In addition to this, other diseases like diabetes, depression, cancer, or the abuse of alcoholic beverages or drugs, could also cause weight loss for no apparent reason. However, it could also have specific causes depending on the individual's age or specific phases of life such as:
1. In older people
Weight loss during aging is considered normal when it is slow, related to lack of appetite, taste changes or due to the side effect of some medications. another common misnomer reasoning is senile dementia care, which makes the person forget it to prepare meals and eat properly. In addition to weight loss, it is also normal for loss of muscle mass and bone mass to occur, making the person more at risk of fractures.
2. In pregnancy
Weight loss in pregnancy is not a normal situation, but it can occur when the pregnant woman suffers from many dizziness and vomiting at the beginning of the pregnancy, reason why she is not able to maintain an adequate diet. In these cases, it is essential to consult both the doctor and a nutritionist to know what to do and avoid serious complications that may harm the growth of the fetus, since it is expected that a healthy pregnant woman with a normal weight will increase between 10 to 15 kg during all gestation.
3. In the baby
Weight loss is common in newborn babies, who often lose up to 10% of body weight during the first 15 days of life, due to the expulsion of fluids through urine and feces. From this period, the baby is expected to increase about 250 g per week until 6 months of age, and will always increase in weight and height with advancing age.
How the diagnosis is made
It is important to know what is the cause of weight loss, so that the doctor can indicate the most appropriate treatment, thus preventing complications. For this reason, to diagnose the cause of weight loss, the doctor must evaluate the present symptoms and request Suspicious tests, such as blood, urine, and stool tests; as well as image examinations such as an MRI or X-ray, for example, continuing with the investigation according to the results obtained. Generally, the general practitioner or family doctor are the first professionals to be consulted and, only after the results of the examinations, they will be able to refer the person to the most suitable specialist, such as an endocrinologist, oncologist, psychiatrist or nutritionist, for example.
When to worry
Losing weight is worrisome when the patient loses, for no apparent reason, more than 5% of body weight in a period of 1 to 3 months. In people with 70 kg, for example, weight loss is worrisome when it is greater than 3.5 kg, and in a person of 50 kg when she loses more than 2.5 kg unexpectedly. In addition to this, you should also be aware of the presence of other signs such as tiredness, loss of appetite, changes in the rhythm of bowel function and increased frequency of infections, such as the flu, for example.