1. Pulses
Chickpeas or lentils are good options. Also peas, which are halfway between protein and vegetables. The high protein content of these foods causes the body to spend more energy digesting them. In just eight weeks of a diet rich in legumes, the metabolism accelerates at a good pace. In addition, they contain an interesting amount of fiber and starch, good for the bacterial flora of the intestine.2. Fruits And Vegetables
One of the most widespread myths in popular imagination is that fruit makes you fat. It is not true. Fruits, greens, and vegetables have sugar in their composition, but they come in a matrix and are themselves healthy.3. vegetables Food
Green leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach or Swiss chard, have several properties that make them an essential food in any diet. They are low in calories and carbohydrates, but rich in fiber, and they are perfect as a garnish, to increase the volume of our meals without increasing their caloric intake. For their part, the vegetables of the cruciferous family, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage or Brussels sprouts, are high in fiber but, unlike lettuce, they are very satiating because they also have plenty of protein4. Eggs
Eggs are a perfect food if we want to lose weight, as they are rich in protein and healthy fats, allowing us to be satiated with a relatively low calorie intake. The new studies certify that they neither contribute to raising cholesterol levels (as some people still believe) nor increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.
5. Nuts
Nuts can also be part of a healthy diet and even help you lose weight. Of course, to take advantage of all its benefits, it must be eaten raw or roasted and not abusively consumed. They have a great energy value: about 550 calories per 100 grams. They have unsaturated fats, good for cardiovascular health. In addition, they are rich in iron, zinc and selenium, necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, in charge of regulating metabolism. The best time to consume this type of food is after playing sports.6. Fish like salmon and tuna
Salmon is one of those foods that always appears on these types of healthy food lists. And is not for less. This type of fatty fish (we must also mention trout, mackerel, sardines and herring) are very rich in healthy fats and proteins, in addition to other necessary nutrients such as iodine. Just like eggs, they fulfill the ideal magic combination to lose weight: they fill a lot, but they gain little weight. Low in calories, high in protein and low in fat, tuna is also perfect for a weight loss diet7. Lean meat
Lower fat cuts of meat are ideal for weight loss. Leaving aside processed meats (such as sausages or sausages), chicken and beef are necessary in any diet, because they are the ones that are really going to make us not starve.